
The morning after her birthday, I caught her in a photo-ready mood.

All these, taken while singing Wheels on the Bus to her.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish.

And Allie in the Bus goes ha, ha, ha.

These days, Clarissa would request to be in the play pen with Allie, and the two of them would play together (or separately, together) for a good 30 minutes.

Sometimes they end up fighting or crying or both.

Clarissa would be lying down and Allie would step on her hair. Clarissa would cry, and Allie would hurry over to pat Jiejie on the shoulder.

There would be peace for a few minutes before someone snatches someone’s toy again.

Sometimes this happens.

Sometimes Allie would talk on phone before Clarissa takes over and says, “Hello, police? Help, we are stuck in the playpen!”

The past few days have been as much of a blur as the past few weeks.

It has been crazy trying to finish up work before going on a holiday.

I was working on Saturday, Sunday, Monday night, and Tuesday, on a public holiday (and a little today).. And didn’t have much mindspace left.

So I absentmindedly gave Clarissa the task of packing her own little bag with 3-5 toys she’d like to bring, Mama duck (of course) and snacks.

I’d only started packing for real this morning after sending her to school.

I searched high and low for one of the cloth books to bring along for Allie.. And eventually found it in Clarissa’s little bag.

Not only did she put in her own toys, she’d also packed for Allie. The cloth book, the Piglet, which she says is Allie’s “most favourite 臭臭 now” and a few other little toys which Allie usually loves to hold on to.

My heart and mind went “Awww”, and I smiled for a long time today.

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